Well by those measures Wolverhampton Young Citizen Award finalist Alfie Baugh, despite his relatively young age, has all the makings of an exceptional Rotarian.
Photo credit - Woverhampton Mayor |
Alfie is a very motivated, confident and caring boy and not only does he raise money for charity but he also writes a weekly newsletter for all the residents in his neighbourhood helping to pull the community together. Nuns from the convent near to his home contribute a weekly prayer to put in the newsletter and a neighbour writes an astronomy column. For bonfire night last year Alfie sent a newsletter out asking all his neighbours to meet up in the park and each bring a firework. He got all the neighbours together and arranged a street firework display which was a great night and all the neighbours joined in. Everybody in the neighbourhood knows Alfie, he takes everyone's dustbins in on bin day, he also helps a disabled lady who lives just over the road and litter picks in the street.
Alfie is proof that age is no barrier when it comes to making a positive change in our neighbourhoods.